Erasmus Coordinators

If you are interested in setting up a new Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement with ASPETE, please contact ASPETE’s Institutional Erasmus Coordinator. The Institutional Erasmus Coordinator cooperates with the Departmental Erasmus Coordinators to discuss details of new proposals and/or the renewal or discontinuation of existing ones.


Institutional Erasmus Coordinator:

Prof. Gerasimos PagiatakisTel: +30 210 2896781


Erasmus Coordinators (Erasmus+/KA1)

Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Educators
Spyridon Adam
Phone: 2102896945
Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering Educators
Pavlos Zalimidis
Assοciate Professor
Phone: 2102896835
Department of Civil
Engineering Educators
Dimitra Passa
Laboratory Teaching Staff
Phone: 2102896834
Department of Education
Maria Mountridou
Assistant Professor
Phone: 2102896941


Η κεντρική Πύλη Εισόδου της ΑΣΠΑΙΤΕ βρίσκεται βόρεια του σταθμού ΗΣΑΠ “ΕΙΡΗΝΗ”, δίπλα στις γραμμές του Ηλεκτρικού.